
Hello + Welcome!

I’m Anina. I'm married to my best friend, Ian, and a mama to two girls, Ro and P. This is the dedicated space on the internet where my journal lives. The real and raw, the good and the bad, the then, now, and the in between places in my life - with the occasional photo spam of my babies.

Life Update

Life Update

We moved! This April, we celebrate a year in California with our move into a new space. 

Rhona is still adjusting to her new room and I think the 9 / 10 month milestone is just tough all around so she's just going through a lot of changes. There have been lots of changes this past year and Ian and I finally feel like we both can begin to settle and put roots down! 

We love our neighborhood and the commute to Ian's work has been cut in half, which was a big trade-off before when we were living at the beach. Now that we get to have more time as a family, we're really loving that we get to do life together more. 

This past month has been full of family, travel and busy schedules all around. My mom came to visit a couple weeks ago and Rho and I went back to Minnesota with her so we could leave with the entire family for our first big vacation together in Florida. It was a blast. There were 7 adults and 5 kids!!

Lately I am….

Eating for breakfast: PB Toast and fruit with a larger than life cup of coffee 

Reading: When I'm not reading children's books to Rho, I'm diving into this new Tubby Todd Mama Book. It's all about self-care for mamas which is something I'm needing more of right now! 

Eyeing up: a sofa and coffee table because we have no furniture in the living room! 

Wearing on repeat: High-waisted black Zara jeans and a white top 

Inspired by: Joy Thigpen, my long-time inspiration since high school, and the new city she is currently creating. It's called Pinewood Forest and you NEED to check it out. I want to be like her when I grow up.

Doing before bed: Word searches. From the good ol' 99 cent store and I love it. 

Listening to: Taylor Swift because we just saw her in concert for our three year anniversary and her new album is on repeat. 

Wishing I was better at: Cooking at home consistently. STORY OF MY ADULT LIFE.

Trying to stop: Avoiding my BBG workouts! I had two straight weeks of dedication and when we left for vacation, I became inconsistent and chose family time over working out which in the moment, was a good trade BUT I'm paying for that now haha. Trying to get it in this week but we leave for another trip on Sunday so.... WE'LL SEE haha 

This prompts were a repost from Bethany Menzel



Rhona is 11 months!

Rhona is 8 months

Rhona is 8 months