
Hello + Welcome!

I’m Anina. I'm married to my best friend, Ian, and a mama to two girls, Ro and P. This is the dedicated space on the internet where my journal lives. The real and raw, the good and the bad, the then, now, and the in between places in my life - with the occasional photo spam of my babies.

Rhona is 11 months!

  1. Her favorite things to eat right now are pasta, yogurt and all summery fruits (watermelon, peaches, cherries, plums).

  2. She understands simple commandments in Lao, like "come here", "drink water", "time to eat". This is a HUGE win for this mama. We always planned to raise her to be at least bilingual and while it isn't always convenient to speak Lao to her all day, I'm so happy to see her catching on.

  3. She took her first steps this month. I'll find her walking from one piece of furniture to another and seeing how proud she is of herself makes the milestone that much more rewarding to witness. We're thinking she'll be walking when her first birthday comes!

  4. Her faces are THE BEST. The side eye, the smirk, the fake cry, I love them all.

  5. She is cutting 2 front teeth right now which puts us at 3 total teeth for our big girl!

  6. Speaking of big girl, Rhona can eat as much as an adult. When she is not playing, she is eating. Constantly. Don't be fooled by her petite frame, the girl has quite the appetite!

  7. We put her books on a shelf and now whenever she wants to get one down, she'll say, "book-book" so we sit her on her dresser while she picks out a couple. She'll preview some and when she's ready to read, she'll grab them and climb towards us to get down. IT'S EVERYTHING.

  8. Rhona is very affectionate and loving!! Throughout the day, she'll come up for hugs and kisses. She recently started doing this to her favorite things in the house like the sofa, our bed, the living room rug. The other day she sprawled out on the rug and just laid there, hahaha.

  9. Duck lips are officially part of every day life. And I love it.

  10. She enjoys wiping down toys and the dining furniture with wet wipes. She's my little helper and I love that how much she is absorbing from our every day life.

  11. Rhona's llama lovey from her Auntie Paige still lights up her world like nothing else (besides Ian, of course).

One Year of Rhona

One Year of Rhona

Life Update

Life Update