
Hello + Welcome!

I’m Anina. I'm married to my best friend, Ian, and a mama to two girls, Ro and P. This is the dedicated space on the internet where my journal lives. The real and raw, the good and the bad, the then, now, and the in between places in my life - with the occasional photo spam of my babies.

4 Months of Paloma

4 Months of Paloma

My sweet Paloma. She is soooo smiley, a well-tempered baby, easy to love and low maintenance! She’s perfectly content sitting on our laps whether it’s at the dinner table or on the sofa. She really just wants to be in our company. She’ll snuggle next to us while she absorbs all that is going on. A true chill baby. We love getting to see more of her personality come out with each age milestone. Her favorite toy is the activity mat and her hedgehog rattle. She loves sucking on her hands and almost everything is fair game to suck on now so we’ve got to watch out for that. She sleeps from 8pm to about 6am but before it was closer to a 7:30am wake up call but we’ve regressed thanks to the recent time change/the 4-month blah blah blah. We don’t talk about it because it’s one of those month-long development milestones that we are ready to move past, haha. She usually plays in her crib until we get her though so that’s a huge relief. She loves to eat, which is obvious. I love not having to worry if she’s eating enough because I can just look at her for confirmation if I ever do question it. Chub city.

She still lights up the brightest when big sis is around. Lately, I’ve been letting them “play” in the same area and whenever I set her down, Rhona says, “Watch Rhona. ‘Kay, Polly?” Her favorite place to fall asleep is nuzzle in my chest and I am totally here for it. Excited that we might have a mommy’s girl on our hands!!

First Fam of 4 Photos

2 Months of Paloma

2 Months of Paloma